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torsdag den 12. april 2012

Cave of Forgotten Dreams

Cave of Forgotten Dreams
Back in the days, when I watched a documentary, it was always about a subject that I was interested in. However, after getting introduced to Werner Herzog's work, I've realized that there are lot of fantastic documentaries out there, if only I broaden my horizon. And Herzog himself, well he can make just about anything interesting, really. "Cave of Forgotten Dreams", which was first released as a limited 3D-theatrical film in  2010, finally got a bigger distribution in 2011, which I had been waiting for, but to my surprise this was actually one of the weakest documentaries that Herzog has made in years (but still good). Or at least it was among his least interesting. Having said that, however, I must say that it may be fair to write about this film in the first place, as it was meant to be a 3D film and I've only seen it in 2D. (7 out of 10)

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