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onsdag den 25. april 2012


If you're one of those people who think that court room dramas have been done to death, "Puncture" just won't be for you. For those of you who simply can't get enough of court room dramas, "Puncture" is probably a film that you can't afford to miss. In a lot of ways this is your typical "Erin Brockovich" kind of story and it doesn't hurt that this one, just like "Erin Brockovich", is based on a true story. What makes this film different, though, is that the lead-character, Chris Evans, apart from being a practicing lawyer, is also a drug addict. All in all, "Puncture" is a good, solid court room drama, but there have been films like this one in the past that were better. (6 out of 10)

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