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onsdag den 18. april 2012

Klovn - the Movie

Klovn - The Movie
"Klovn - The Movie" opened in Denmark in December 2010, but it wasn't until premiering at the American film festival, Fantastic Fest, that it started to get some real recognition outside of Denmark and, if I remember correctly, the film won a price for being "best comedy" on Fantastic Fest, which is something I totally understand. It's not to say too much when I say that it is absolutely hilarious. I said in an earlier review that either "The Hangover" or this film is the funniest comedy in many years for me. Thinking about it, it's definitely this one, as it is a bit more ballsy than any American comedy dares to be. Supposedly, they're going to do an American remake of this film, which I hope goes well, but I fear that it can go terribly wrong. (8 out of 10)

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