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torsdag den 26. april 2012

A Little Bit of Heaven

A Little Bit Of Heaven
A Little Bit of Heaven
"A Little Bit of Heaven" will open in American theaters on May 4 and those of you, who are getting ready to see it, can expect to see a film that is really sentimental. Of course, a film about romance and cancer could hardly be anything but sentimental, but the thing with this one is that they've also tried to make this a comedy, which isn't working quite as well. In this case I think they should've stuck with the romance and cancer part and left the witty part out. All in all, this is a film that, on one hand, isn't quite as bad as the critics have said (5% on Rotten Tomatoes), but, on the other hand, isn't as good as the other films dealing with cancer (50/50 is one to see) or illness in general that we've seen lately. (5 out of 10)

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