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søndag den 15. april 2012


I usually love Scandinavian films, which might be because I am from Scandinavia myself. From the Faroe Islands to be exact. However, this Norwegian film was not something that I enjoyed watching, which was a shame, as I had heard so many good things about. First when it was screening at festivals, people were going mad about it, and then when it came out the praise just wouldn't stop. But I still don't get it. This is just an ordinary shaky-cam film that we've seen often before and it doesn't bring anything new to the genre. I loved "Blair Witch Project" when it came out. It was exciting because I never had seen anything like it, but I wasn't crazy about "Cloverfield" or "Paranormal Activity" and I certainly wasn't impressed by this film either. (3 out of 10) 

2 kommentarer:

  1. A 3 out of 10?! You have got to be kidding me. Troll Hunter was AMAZING and unique!

  2. Sadly, I don't agree with you on that one.. But hey, that's the wonder of it all, isn't it. You can love it and I can hate it :) hehe
