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tirsdag den 24. april 2012

The Ledge

The Ledge
The Ledge
One of my favorite online film zines, eyeforfilm.co.uk, said in their recent DVD review of this film, that there had already been another film about a man on a ledge that was more exciting than this one. Well, first I'd like to say, that this film was the first one to come along, and, secondly, I actually liked this one better than the action-packed Asger Leth film. The two films are nothing alike, though, other than featuring men on ledges. This one is more along the lines of this year's "Columbus Circle". Or at least I kept being reminded on this film when watching "Columbus Circle". "The Ledge" has received a lot of shitty reviews since it came out, but I do not agree with most of them. (7 out of 10)

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