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tirsdag den 17. april 2012

A Separation

A Separation
The gripping Iranian film "A Separation" won an Oscar earlier this year in the "Best Foreign Film" category and even though I still haven't seen all of the films that were nominated, I am quite certain that it deserved it. However, there was one other foreign film I liked better than "A Separation" and that was another Iranian film titled "Circumstance", which I've also reviewed by the way. After that one, "A Separation" was by far the best foreign film of 2011 (and by foreign film, I mean film in another language than English). If you haven't seen it already, do yourself a favor and check it out. It's clever and heartfelt and it'll give you an insight into a different culture that when it comes to human emotions probably isn't so different after all. (8 out of 10)

2 kommentarer:

  1. For those unfamiliar with the culture A Separation may come as shocking, but for me it was just an honest and well thought out. Gave it the exact same rating.:)

  2. yeah, this films definitely felt very honest and real. Great movie.
