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tirsdag den 17. april 2012


Steve McQueen's new sad and dark film "Shame" is finally out on DVD this week and hopefully people will save place on their DVD-shelf for it, as it is one of last years better films. Michael Fassbender's performance, as a compulsive sex-addict, is simply stunning and one of the absolute best performances of all last year and it is a bloody shame (I tried to be smart there, did you get it?) that he wasn't nominated as "best actor" for every major award there is. In 2008 Steve McQueen made a film that everybody should see in for of "Hunger" and with "Shame" he has done it again. (8 out of 10)

2 kommentarer:

  1. This one left me a bit disappointed. Hunger did as well. I thought both were good, but far from incredible. I reckon most people were interested in seeing this one mainly because Fassbender 'gives' many full frontal shots. He's got a big tool that's for sure. LOL.

  2. lol, yeah, I noticed that. A little something extra for the ladies in the audience I guess ;)
